06 Oktober 2009
In the first part of this book,I described the course of development as it can be expected to occur in normal children throughout the world.Using their sensor motor capacities and their abilities to master firs-order symbols-systems,young children develop a vastarray of intuitive understandings even before they enter school.Specifically,they develop robust and functional theorist of matter,life,the minds of other individuals,and their own minds and selves.They are aided in this task of theory contructions,some built into the genome,others a function of the particular circumstances of their culture,and still other a reflection of their own,more idiosyncratic style and inclinations.
Of course,not all these conceptions are adequate,and the potent theories of early childhood are complemented by a large collection of stereotypes and syimplifications.Still,form a practical angel,the child of five,six,or seven has a surprisingly serviceable grasp of relevant worlds.More crucially,the five-years-old is in many ways an energetic,imaginative,and integrating kind of learner,educator should exploit the cognitive and affective powers of the five-years-old mind and attempt to keep it alive in all of us.
In the second part the book, I turned attention to the procedures whereby children are educate throughout the world.in traditional sociecities,much education takes place informally,trough the use of simple processes of observation and imitation.This approach has been formalized in the appreciated by the young apprentice.Schools evolved initially in order to aid in the acquisition of reading,writing,and other basic literacy’s;with time,they have come to acquire additional burdens,among them the formidable challenge of conveying the concepts and epistemic forms associated with specific disciplines.Like people,school themselves are subject to serve diverse clientele and to undergo smooth changes.When the constraints governing school are both brought to bear,the difficult challenge facing educators becomes manifest.
While some of the problems associated with school have become all too known,it is only in recent years that researchers and educators have become aware of a new set of difficulties.There is now ample documentation that schoolchildren have difficulties in acquiring a deep understanding of the disclipnary materials presentedto them.In the sciences,the difficulties take the form of misconception:disjunction between intuitive theories whose inception can be traced to early childhood and the formal concepts and teories worked out by scientific researchers,in mathematic,the difficulties are manifested in the rigid application of algorithms:Rather than appreciating how a formalism captures object and events in adomain,student simply treat the exspression as astring of symbol into which values are to be”pluged”.In the arts and humanities,the difficulties are more accurately described as stereotypes and simpliyfications that prevent student from appreciating the complexity and subtlety of social,historical,and esthetic phenomena.Oversimplyfield view of the learning and developing process per se also hamper for the evolution of processes of thinking and reflection in schoolchildren.
In the third part of book,Ihave zeroed in on our current educational dilemma.having introduced this”worst of times”scenario,I have considered a number of ameliorating approaches.Neither approaches rooted in basic skills nor those based on cultural literacy or an approved western cannon seem adequate in themselves.More promising clues are available if we look to examples hewn in the American progressive tradition,certain traditional educational forms such as the apprenticeship,newer educational institutions such as children`s museums,and various technological innovation such as videodisk-based learning environments.
In the previrous chapter,proceeding from preschool trough secondary school and surveying the sciences as well as the arts and humanities,I have introduced several programmatic approaches that appear to work.When properly implemented,program embodying theseces as well as the arts and humanities,I have introduced several programmatic approaches that appear to work.When properly implemented,program embodying these approaches should excite teachers,engange students,and effect precisely those connections between intuitive and formal knowledge that hold the best promise of dissolving misconceptions,countering strereotypical thinking and yielding a deep and lasting understanding.
Individual programs show that an effective education can be achieved.But if one wants to remake educations it is crucial to create environments in which the formation of links between form of knowing is the governing principle,rather than an accidental occurrence or the product of a well-funded(but in practical to replicate)experiment. In classical apprenticeship,a person can routinely discern the connections among his activies,the end toward which they are being directed,and the kinds of tools that can aid in the achievement of an effective product.In hands on museums,youngsters have the opportunity to explore rich environment and to play our their emerging understanding in meaningful context.On-the-job training,mentoring relation,and the involvement of processional in the school are all mechanisms for reducing the gap between the”agenda of school”and the”agenda of life”.And introduction into the classroom of meaningful projects,cooperative form of interaction and process-folios that document student progress can all sensitize student to their own thought processes and to the way in which their conceptions mesh or collide with disciplinary knowledge.
One challenge facing education is how best to fuse institutions-how to inject the apprentice method into school,to introduce school into community work settings,and and to find ways to bridge the geographic psychological distance between the school and museum.Another challenge is to prepare a cadre of educator,be they termed master,teachers,brokers,or curators,who feel comfortable in exhibiting the links among different form of knowing and in drawing children and families into a fuller approach to learning and understanding.
If we are to achieve a milieu in which understanding is prized,it is necessary for us all to be humble about what we know and to move away from our present,invariably inadequate perspectives.Even under ideal circumstance,an education rooted in understanding take time and effort to attain.We all suffer from misconceptions that students of all ages bring to the schools and to be aware of our own predilections toward strongly held but unfounded beliefs.
Let me bring this prespective to bear on the content of this book.Most reader doubtless came to the book with a belief that understanding is important,and most educator probably felt the they well already taking the steps appropriate for such an achievement.I trust that there faith has been shaken by the evidence provided in the preceding chapters.I have sought to challenge the conception that one can get students to understand simply by presenting them with good models or with compelling demonstrations,as well the idea that students who do not understand must simply work harder or adhere to the correct-answer compromise.
In contrast to these straightforward views,I have presented a far more complex and vexed picture.I have proposed that we must place ourselves inside the head of our students and try to understand as for as possible the sources and strengths of their conceptions.I have proposed that we examine our own educational assumptions and practices,nothing where they rest upon hope rather than upon demonstrated effectiveness.At the same time,I have tried to avoid the presentation of recipes for understanding.The various examples and models presented have reflected an effort to describe the kinds of procedures that may prod educations in a positive direction.It is never the models per se that are important,however,but the thinking and the reflective facets thus captured that will determine whether students gain from their use-wheter student will be stimulated to assume”risk for understanding”.
If my analysis is correct,it may have relevance beyond the cyrcle of students and teacher in the classroom.In every encounter in which learning is possible-and view of us spend appreciable time in any other kind of encounter-there are always misconceptions and biases,as well as opportunities for better communication and understanding.Relations at work,at home,on the street,between employees,families,lovers-all are touched by problems of egocentric assumptions about what others believe,understand,and desire.Only if we think deeply and shympathetically about these preconceived notions in ourselves and in others,and only if we strive to engage them fully,is it reasonable to exspect that they can be transformed in productive ways.
29 Agustus 2009
webcam tercanggih, bulan ini, tahun ini, webcam resolusi tinggi

Beberapa tahun lalu webcam hanyalah sebuah bola kecil di atas meja anda yang merekam gambar buram dengan frame rate yang sangat kecil. Tidak terlalu berfungsi banyak dalam kegiatan chat anda, karena selain resolusi gambar yang sangat rendah, koneksi internet yang sangat lambat juga tidak mendukung sama sekali. Akan tetapi, dengan internet yang semakin cepet, serta kepopuleran youtube, Webcam mulai mengejar waktu yang tertinggal dan semakin canggih. kami menyebutnya webcam tercanggih atau terbaik saat ini.Webcam Dualpix HD 720p dari Hercules ini adalah salah satu contohnya...
Dualpix HD 720p adalah webcam terbaru yang menawarkan resolusi HD 720p untuk konsumen tingkat menengah. Hercules ditargetkan untuk para pengguna notebook, dengan fungsi rotational axes-nya yang mengizinkan anda untuk meletakannya di bagian manapun yang anda mau di laptop anda. Berikut spesifikasi teknisnya...
- 1 megapixel CMOS sensor (1280×800 pixels) for perfect image quality, even in low-light conditions
-Photo resolution: 5 megapixels! (interpolated mode)
-Video resolution: HD720p (1280×720), up to 30 frames/second for perfectly fluid 16/9 HD videos
-USB 2.0 Video Class (UVC) interface for high-speed transfers and ultra-simple driverless installation (in Windows® XP SP2, Vista® and Windows® 7)
-Autofocus lens with a wide viewing angle. Awesome! Now you can be seen from head to toe!
High-quality built-in microphone
Hercules Dualpix HD720p akan hadir mulai bulan depan seharga 60$.
Sumber: http://www.disitu.com
06 Agustus 2009
Memilih Laptop
Intinya, nyari budget PC with best specs under 5 juta.
Keliling punya keliling, akhirnya dapat spesifikasi berikut, dengan harga laptop yang beda-beda tipis. Dengan harga laptop baru termurah 4,6 juta dan 4,9 juta. Merk-nya pun macem-macem, antara lain: Acer, Axioo, Byon, BenQ, Lenovo, Telebit dan Zyrex.
Acer Aspire 5315-300512Mi
Intel Celeron M 550, 512MB, 120GB, 15” Crystalbrite WXGA TFT, DVD-RW, Wi-Fi, Webcam, Linux OS
Harga: $ 499 alias Rp. 4.625.000
Intel Celeron M 550, 1024MB, 80GB, 14,1” Clear Display WXGA TFT, DVD-RW, Wi-Fi (Intel Pro/wireless 3945 ABG), Lan, Modem, Cardreader, Webcam 1.3MP, OS DOS
Harga: Rp. 4.650.000
Byon M31W S/CE
Intel Celeron M 550, 1024MB, 160GB, 14,1” TFT, DVD Supermulti ODD, Wi-Fi (B/G protocol), Lan, Modem, Cardreader, Webcam 1.3MP, OS DOS (bisa diinstal-in gratis)
Harga: Rp. 4.790.000 (Untuk prosesor Pentium Dual Core T2390, harga Rp. 5.490.000)
BenQ R43-LE03
Intel Celeron M 540, 512MB, 80GB, 14,1” TFT, DVD Supermulti, Wi-Fi (B/G protocol), Lan, Modem, OS Linux
Harga: Rp. 5.100.000 (kmaren harganya ada yang Rp. 4.900.000, lupa tipe, tapi kayanya tipe R40)
Lenovo G410M
Intel Celeron Dual Core T1400, 512MB, 120GB, 14,1” TFT, DVD-RW, Wi-Fi, Lan, Modem, Webcam 1.3MP, OS DOS
Harga: Rp. 4.999.000
Telebit UF300
Intel Celeron M 550, 512MB, 80GB, 13,3” WXGA TFT, DVD Combo, Wi-Fi, Lan, Modem, OS DOS
Harga: Rp. 3.990.000
Zyrex (ga tau serinya…)
Intel Celeron Dual Core T1400, 512MB, 80GB, 14,1” TFT, DVD-RW, Wi-Fi, Lan, Modem, Webcam 1.3MP, OS Linux
Harga: Rp. 4.750.000 (ini spek seingatnya, yang pasti prosesornya Celeron Dual Core)
Dari kelima merk and spek di atas, pilihan pun jatuh pada Byon, karena ni laptop selain punya hardisk 160 GB dan ram 1 GB, tapi juga punya fitur yang re-configure, yang maksudnya adalah, setiap modul ram, hardisk dan prosesornya bisa di-upgrade. Jadi, suatu saat nanti, kalo sudah ada doku alias money, tinggal upgrade prosesor doang, berhubung spek yang lain udah mantap.
Asal tau aja, laptop yang lain, hanya bisa upgrade ram saja (tanpa melanggar garansi), itupun tinggal nambah modul ram karena laptopnya punya 2 slot ram (yang mana 1 slot sudah terisi). Dan, Byon bisa (katanya) juga upgrade prosesor, alias changeable.
Setiap paket pembelian di atas sudah termasuk tas dan bonus mouse optik. Kalo ga ada cd drivernya, berarti keterlaluan tuh toko, minta aja kalo ga ada.
Oh iya, prosesor Celeron juga ga terlalu lambat-lambat amat koq, untuk penggunaan biasa sih sudah lebih dari cukup. Lagipula, dengan ram 1GB yang more than enough menurut saya sudah kenceng.
Selain laptop alias notebook di atas, ada juga tipe umPC or laptop kecil seperti Eee PC (3 jutaan) dari Asus, Anoa, atau Kohjinsha (paling murah Rp. 6.800.000). Tapi ya itu,.. kecil uy layarnya…
Sumber. http://chalicious.web.id/perbandingan-laptop-dengan-harga-dibawah-5-juta
29 Juli 2009
VGA Video Graphic Adapter yang bagus
Video grafik adapter atau sering kita kenal dengan VGA, berperan sangat penting bagi pemakai komputer yang sering bermain game atau untuk mengedit video seperti saya.untuk memilih VGA jenis atau merek apa yang bagus, kalau bicara bagus semua merek bagus asal yang high end class.hehe... tapi yang saya pakai saat ini adalah ATI RADEON 128mb, buat main game-game berspesifikasi besar lumayan enteng syaratnya spesifikasi komputer udah diatas 2GHZ.buat edit video terasa ringan dengan RAM hanya 1GB.N Vidia juga bagus pernah saya coba punya temen tampilan grapiknya terbilang apik.intinya apapun pilihan sampean jangan lihat merek barang, tapi lihatlah menurut kebutuhan anda semakin besar kapasitas VGA misal 128, 256 atau 512MB semakin enak terasa ringan digunakan.
21 Juni 2009
sebenarnya bisnis online itu nyata tidak
02 Juni 2009
Tips memilih handhone
Di zaman sekarang banyak sekali jenis dan merek handphone yang beredar di pasaran, bagaimana mensiasati agar handphone yang anda pakai sesuai kebutuhan anda dan berfungsi maksimal.
1. pertama :
apa tujuan anda mebeli handphone?
kalau hanya untuk sekedar sms dan telpon, anda cukup membeli handphone dengan harga rendah dan tidak memakai sistem operasi atau aplikasi dari pihak ketiga. ini bertujuan agar handphone anda terhindar dari masalah yang tidak di inginkan. seperti error, blank, terkena virus dan lain-lain
2. kedua
kalau anda membeli hanphone agar ingin tampil cantik. anda hanya cukup membeli handphone yang yang berharga sedang dan memakai sedikit tambahan fitur seperti mms . anda hanya memikirkan casing yang sesuai selera anda. seperti bahan casing terbuat dari plastik atau metal agar anti gores.
3. ketiga
apabila anda membeli handphone bertujuan lebih mengenal teknologi, untuk alat pendukung bisnis,
dan fitur lengkap.
anda harus mepertimbangkan beberapa hal :
11 Mei 2009
cirebon kota wali
Kemudian Ki Gendeng Alang-alang mendirikan sebuah pemukiman di lemahwungkuk yang letaknya kurang lebih 5 km, ke arah Selatan dari Muara Jati. Karena banyak saudagar dan pedangan asing juga dari daerah-daer5ah lain yang bermukim dan menetap maka daerah itu di namakan Caruban yang berarti campuran kemudian berganti Cerbon kemudian menjadi Cirebon hingga sekarang.
Raja Pajajaran Prabu Siliwanggi mengangkat Ki Gede Alang-alang sebagai kepala pemukiman baru ini dengan gelar Kuwu Cerbon. Daerahnya yang ada di bawah pengawasan Kuwu itu dibatasi oleh Kali Cipamali di sebelah Timur, Cigugur (Kuningan) di sebelah Selatan, pengunungan Kromong di sebelah Barat dan Junti (Indramayu) di sebelah Utara.
Setelah Ki Gedeng Alang-alang wafat kemudian digantikan oleh menantunya yang bernama Walangsungsang putra Prabu Siliwanggi dari Pajajaran. Walangsungsang ditunjuk dan diangkat sebagai Adipati Carbon dengan gelar Cakrabumi. Kewajibannya adalah membawa upeti kepada Raja di ibukota Rajagaluh yang berbentuk hasil bumi, akan tetapi setelah merasa kuat meniadakan pengiriman upeti, akibatnya Raja mengirim bala tentara, tetapi Cakrabumi berhasil mempertahankannya.
Kemudian Cakrabumi memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya dan mendirikan kerajaan Cirebon dengan mamakai gelar Cakrabuana. Karena Cakrabuana telah memeluk agama Islam dan pemerintahannya telah menandai mulainya kerajaan kerajaan Islam Cirebon, tetapi masih tetap ada hubungan dengan kerajaan Hindu Pajajaran.
Semenjak itu pelabuhan kecil Muara Jati menjadi besar, karena bertambahnya lalu lintas dari dan ke arah pedalaman, menjual hasil setempat sejauh daerah pedalaman Asia Tengara. Dari sinilah awal berangkat nama Cirebon hingga menjadi kota besar sampai sekarang ini.
Pangeran Cakra Buana kemudian membangun Keraton Pakungwati sekitar Tahun 1430 M, yang letaknya sekarang di dalam Komplek Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon
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